

The Tom Green Show - Subway Monkey Hour Part 1/5

I haven't laughed this hard in a very long time. The monkey bit at the beginning is completely hilarious.

Tom Green Rapping with Jurassic 5 part 1

This isn't nearly as funny as the other videos I've posted, but it is amazing. Tom can hold a rap well.

Tom Green - Billy Bob buys a mattress

Tom green is funny.

Tom Green Barrel Roll

Tom green is hilarious. Most people found this funny. And so did I.

SNL: White Possum Scream

This is another one people didn't like too much. But I do. I think it's funny.

ZunePhone Ad: Microsoft's answer to Apple's iPhone

Most people hate this. I don't. I think it's funny.

SNL Digital Short: Business Meeting

Rainn Wilson again~!

Let's Do It (Let's Fall in Love)

I love this girl's voice-- she would have been a complete and total star in the 20's-30's.

SNL: Rainn Wilson's Monologue

This is amazing.


Mike Patton interview part 4

Installment 4 of a good interview with the modern musical genius.


♥~Maging Sino Ka Man~♥ Episode 90 [1/3]

Just give this one a chance... if you don't find it funny, try drinking a little.